Friday, April 8, 2011


      Ok, this is a RANT about my brother. Let me just say, off the bat, I love my brother. He is a real people person and he's very respectful when it comes to relationships. That being said, here are all the things that REALLY piss me off about him.
     My mom works her ASS off. She provides everything for this family. I pay her when I can, a hundred here, fifty bucks there, seventy-five bucks, whatever. I give her everything I can. I work 4-5 days a week, if I can get an extra shift, 8-9 hours a day.
     My brother does NOTHING. He has NO job, so that means no money to fix the free car he was given. No money to pay his 90 dollar phone bill every month, or his car insurance, or all the f*cking food he scarfs down every single day. He has NO ambition, no goals in life apparently, and absolutely NO thought or care for his family, AKA mom and myself. Church member needs help? SURE! He's got a ride to go help lay sod at church for 6 hours. Oh, this family needs help fixing their roof?? I'M ON IT! Has no issue walking 2 miles to someone's house to fix a roof for over a month and getting paid 100 bucks.
"Patrick, can you put away the clean dishes?" OH HELL NO!! How DARE we ask HIM
to put away the dishes WE washed. I asked him to put them away tonight, and he looks at me and says "I'm making food" aka there was a hot pocket rotating in the microwave, and he was standing in his room scratching his ass. I mean HELLO!?
     I work from 7-330 today, get home and he's nowhere to be found, and the kitchen is a wreck. I'm so sick of having to bust my ass all day, as is my mom, and she works more than I do, and then coming home and having to clean all this shit that should be cleaned by someone who lives here, eats all the food, completely f*cks the place up, and then is gone all day. He is at home ALL DAY doing JACKSHIT and yet mom and I are the ones who have to come home and clean the living room and the kitchen and the bathrooms. He REFUSES to do ANY work whatsoever in this house.
     I don't understand the level of selfishness and disrespect and complete indifference that he has reached. Since when do single parents pay for EVERYTHING for you and you can't even help around the damn house, and then you get pissy and get attitude whenever you're asked to do something. I don't f*cking understand it. It pisses me off to the point where I can't even be nice to my own brother anymore. I NEVER have anything nice to say to him, I'm pissed off and bitchy all the time because he makes me so angry and mad I just want to cry.
     I really wish a hard dose of reality will punch him in the face and f*ck him up because he needs it. He is supposed to go to training in September for the Army, originally it was June, but he changed it. So that means another 6 MONTHS of NO JOB, no money, and no help keeping this place clean or walking the dogs or anything. I can't take it anymore. I want to move out so bad it hurts my heart. I could live with my mom forever, but my brother needs to go. I feel really, really bad for my mom. She works so hard, and we're 19 and 23, still living with her. I can't even imagine what that must feel like for her.
     All in all, I love my brother because he's my only sibling, and my family, but I f*cking hate everything about him right now.

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