Thursday, March 17, 2011


     So at work we have new students learning how to groom. It's always interesting watching them ask questions, and I even learn new stuff every time I observe. I think I've been grooming long enough to be able to tell who is cut out for it, and who isn't. It's never anything personal, just some people can do the job and some can't. I was 99% sure I was not going to be a good groomer,  but I'm an excellent groomer. I'm slow, but I'm good. It's a hard job, and it sucks. The patience level you have to have is unbelievably high, or you'll lose it.
    Anyways, today work was slow, so I went home. It's good because I really need to clean and do laundry, bad because I need the money. You get one or the other, unfortunately.
     I've been doing good, back on my diet the way I should be, gym trips way more frequently. Everyone has their slip ups, you just have to ignore it and move on, keep going as if nothing happened. That's what I'm doing!

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